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Just as a map is a diagram that shows the location of a place or how to get there, so is the book, Roadmap, which is full of guides and principles to help us know and get to our destinations. Francis Madojemu, in his characteristic critical and systematic way of writing, analyses the basic principles that govern the achievement of success in our world and how to apply them.
If there was no 'True North' and North was determined by each person's location, then the earth will be a place full of confusion. This book shows us that there is a definite North predetermined by God and there is a compass to help us get there. Thus, if we are aware of our destinations and we know how to get there, then the recipe for success is complete.
Roadmap prepares us for success by advocating a paradigm shift in our thinking process and general outlook. It teaches that for us to make any headway towards success in life, we have to change the way we perceive, understand and interpret issues. Roadmap proceeds to show us how we can make this all-important change.
In Roadmap, we discover the relationship between success and wealth and the interconnectivity of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The importance of character development as a prerequisite for success is also emphasized, as well as how to identify character developers and to appreciate situations that develop our character. In all, we learn how we can use these nuggets of information to find our ways through the rough patches of life towards our destinations.

Francis E. Madojemu, Coordinator of The Bridge Network is an Architect, a Business & Social Entrepreneur, Consultant for ReCLAIM Culture, as well as the CEO of NuSTREAMS Concepts, owners of NuSTREAMS Conference & Culture Centre, GameWorld & The Well. He is a multi-gifted motivational speaker as well as an educator whose principles on Success and Wealth fly in the face of conventional wisdom.

He is a very creative person and blessed with the gift of proffering ideas which are solutions to the problems encountered by individuals, organizations and the society at large. He has gifts in the area of teaching and encouraging people to attain their potential. He was the Pastor of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Jesus Embassy, Ibadan till September 2006. He is the author of Roadmap, Rich Pastor Poor Pastor and more recently, A Streetcar Called Marriage!

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