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The Streetcar Named Marriage is a book that takes a leap out of convention. It is based on the philosophical hub of moving from 'what is' to 'what ought'. It is a book that stems out of a long and rigorous research into marriages, the problems, people's mindsets and the way forward.
This book is meant to make us take a paradigm shift in our thinking, which will inevitably affect our actions. We all know the scripture that says we will be transformed by the 'renewal of our mind.' This is exactly what this book does for us: It renews our minds. It changes the way we see things and this will eventually transform our marriages and lives as a whole. A lot of us think marriage is a destination; a place we get to and remove our shoes, relax and stretch our legs, but marriage is indeed a carriage in transit, it is a conduit that is carrying something to somewhere. And the book, The Streetcar Named Marriage helps us see marriage for what it truly is: A vehicle. This then shows us that it is not enough for two people to come together to get married, they have to have a purpose for their marriage. They need to know what purpose their marriage is going to fulfill. This will help them to overcome a lot of challenges that would otherwise be overwhelming. This book provides a re-orientation into the institution called marriage. More than this, this book teaches us to think differently and to have the correct perspectives in life.
Because the streetcar is a foreign concept to us, the author, considerate and ever thoughtful as he is, did not leave us 'stranded' (as many would have done). He did not leave us to 'figure it out' ourselves but instead, he took time to tell us what a streetcar is and not only that, he gave us his reason for using the concept.
The first chapter hammers on the theme of the book, which is that Marriage is a vehicle and not a destination. To enable us understand this concept, a story is told about a family going on a trip and the challenges they face in the process.
The second chapter demystifies marriage. It shows us that when we say we marry solely for virtues and qualities, we actually marry for the wrong reasons. This is because the qualities may diminish or disappear over time but we are still expected to stay married to that person.
Chapter Three of The Streetcar Named Marriage is about Distractions. It shows us how we tend to focus on the little things while ignoring the important things.
Chapter Four shows us a way forward. We learn here that keeping our eyes on the purpose of our marriage will see us through any challenge that we may face; for Jesus endured the cross for the Joy that was set before Him. And each marriage has its own purpose. We need to find that purpose and work together to achieve it. Also, we need to know for a fact that we cannot do this without God. For everything we do outside Him "will come to nought."
In Chapter Five, we are shown that everything works together for good. Just as there is a reason for our births, there is also a reason for two people coming together and "God left no detail to chance." Thus, no matter how challenging a marriage is, it will eventually work together for good if we trust in God's Word. Romans 8: 28 is well broken down and explained here. This is very comforting, not just in regard to marriage but to life generally.
The main backbone of the principles taught in this book is the Bible. And this, I believe, is the greatest authority. In addition, the author is a pastor and a seasoned life coach. With years of counseling and shepherding couples, coupled with his many years of marriage, the author is armed with more than enough experience needed to write a book like this.

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